500 - DB function failed with error number 1055
Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'b.id' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by SQL=SELECT b.`id` as _comment_last_id, b.`date` as _comment_date, count( b.`comment` ) as _comment_count, b.`comment` as _comment_last , b.`post_by` as _comment_last_by, c.`like` as _likes, a.*, TO_DAYS('2024-12-09 04:44:32') - TO_DAYS( DATE_ADD(a.`created`, INTERVAL 0 HOUR ) ) as _daydiff FROM `jos_community_activities` as a LEFT JOIN ( SELECT `id`, `date`, `comment`, `contentid`, `type`, `post_by` FROM `jos_community_wall` ORDER BY `id` DESC ) as b ON a.`comment_id` = b.`contentid` AND a.`comment_type` = b.`type` LEFT JOIN `jos_community_likes` AS c ON a.`like_id` = c.`uid` AND a.`like_type` = c.`element` WHERE `archived`=0 AND (a.`access` <= 10) GROUP BY a.`id` ORDER BY a.`created` DESC LIMIT 160

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DB function failed with error number 1055
Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'b.id' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by SQL=SELECT b.`id` as _comment_last_id, b.`date` as _comment_date, count( b.`comment` ) as _comment_count, b.`comment` as _comment_last , b.`post_by` as _comment_last_by, c.`like` as _likes, a.*, TO_DAYS('2024-12-09 04:44:32') - TO_DAYS( DATE_ADD(a.`created`, INTERVAL 0 HOUR ) ) as _daydiff FROM `jos_community_activities` as a LEFT JOIN ( SELECT `id`, `date`, `comment`, `contentid`, `type`, `post_by` FROM `jos_community_wall` ORDER BY `id` DESC ) as b ON a.`comment_id` = b.`contentid` AND a.`comment_type` = b.`type` LEFT JOIN `jos_community_likes` AS c ON a.`like_id` = c.`uid` AND a.`like_type` = c.`element` WHERE `archived`=0 AND (a.`access` <= 10) GROUP BY a.`id` ORDER BY a.`created` DESC LIMIT 160